A grizzly bear smoking a cigar

Tired of letting PORN and LUST cripple your walk with Jesus?

Let Jesus lead you into a life of FREEDOM and become a DANGEROUS WARRIOR for His Kingdom as you live out your true identity.

A grizzly bear smoking a cigar


Identity. Shame. Porn. Lust. Masturbation.

We can say all those words. We deal with the hard stuff first. We don’t beat around the bush. If you’re done with safe studies, purity promises, and gentle language, you’ve found the right place.

Young Christian men everywhere are struggling with porn and hating it. They can’t beat it …or um… can’t stop beating it. Struggling alone. Feeling like sh*t. Spiritually neutered.

No longer!

Dangerous Men is a brotherhood of imperfect disciples FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM in CHRIST together. Encouraged by the Truth. Full of Hope. Equipped with Training and Tools to fight spiritually. A little too direct with our lessons. A little too loose with our humor. We say penis…and we are proud we have one!

Dangerous Men is not a 12-step program. It's not a purity program. It’s not an awkward Sunday School talk about sex. It is an invitation to live the great adventure God has for your life without the weight of hidden sin. It is a process that gives you the tools to fight for your freedom.

We don’t make perfect men (Jesus was the only perfect man anyways…). We train disciples who learn to follow Jesus, live free from shame, and know their identity in Christ. We start by getting vulnerable and honest with the sexual stuff first.

Are you ready to experience control? Ready to find the freedom that changes the way you live? Ready to get Dangerous for the Kingdom of Jesus?

Let's go,
Dangerous Men Team

“It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us FREE.

Galatians 5:1 NIV

Feel like the only one struggling?
Watch Grant's Story

"I felt like I was on an island by myself"

Thousands of men have found freedom

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We are a coaching ministry dedicated to helping young men and women get free from porn and live in their God-given identity though discipleship. We coach you individually or your organization/Church.

JESUS is the one who sets us free, the Dangerous Men materials are just a tool to help us along in the process.


Does this sound like you?

If yes... that doesn't make you a failure. It makes you a normal Christian guy.

Normal isn't the goal. FREEDOM is!